By Anonymous - 27/09/2010 15:20 - Canada

Today, I found a video of my girlfriend having sex with her male best friend on her computer. When I confronted her about it she said it was from before we met. In the video, she was wearing the engagement ring I bought her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 984
You deserved it 3 768

Same thing different taste


Aww that sucks im sorry. =[ I don't see why anyone would think cheating's a good thing... Everybody thinks its cool now and that their partner will never know. Some people keep getting stupid, cheatings wrong. =/ It's hard to find anybody that wouldn't cheat on you now, but hey good luck finding your next girlfriend if you decide to break up with your Fiancee.

justAskxx 0

daaaaamn. noo offence, but your girls a hoe :P.

Technus 0

DAMN I hope the wedding hasn't been paid for yet. Sorry bro

kush808 2

**** her beat her ass and take your ring back

McSausage 0

dude that sucks i would be pissed off and take back that ring

lunkness_monster 0

Cut her finger off and take back your ring.. Then finger her with a razor blade like a real man.

bzofcin12 0

What q ******* *****. Shes such a bitch take the ******* ring back

Oh gosh.. Now punch her best friend straight in the nose leave. Apologize to her and then bang her. xD