By Anonymous - 27/09/2010 15:20 - Canada

Today, I found a video of my girlfriend having sex with her male best friend on her computer. When I confronted her about it she said it was from before we met. In the video, she was wearing the engagement ring I bought her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 984
You deserved it 3 768

Same thing different taste


Get the ring back and then ditch that bitch :)

That's why people of the opposite gender can't be "just friends"

HighlandShadows 48

Tell that to the countless dozens of people who complain about being stuck in the friend-zone.

Why were you looking through her computer in the first place?

HighasaCloud 46

Although this is phrased as a legitimate question, I am certain you appended to it the connotation that he had no right to use her computer. Nowhere in this FML does it indicate that he was snooping. Being that they were engaged, they probably lived together and shared it. He could have very likely been managing his own files in the same folder and stumbled upon the video.

hberri331 18

If she is wearing your engagement ring then isn't she your fiancé not your girlfriend??! I smell bullshit.

You should upload that video somewhere and link us to it. For research purposes. Also revenge.