Sorry mate, you're on your own

By LivingBroke - 21/08/2017 20:01

Today, I signed the lease for a flat that a mate and I decided to move into. About five minutes after leaving the renting agency, I received a text from my mate saying he couldn't move in with me after all. I am now the happy tenant of a large inner city flat that I can't afford. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 230
You deserved it 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cantthink123 12

In most states you have a 24 to 72 hour period (depends on state laws) to back out of a lease after signing.


Go on Craigslist and get some rando to be your roommate. Hope they are not a serial killer or a farter.

Lucky O'Guin 18

You should have a certain amount of time to back out of the lease agreement, but why on earth would you not put his name on the lease as well? If you didn't make him sign the lease as well, maybe ydi.

Bubbles77777 11

Tell the rental agency what happened& see if you can get out of the lease& if they won't do they ask if they can put the place back up for lease& u stay there til someone else moves in

Bubbles77777 11

You definitely deserved it for not co-signing.

cantthink123 12

In most states you have a 24 to 72 hour period (depends on state laws) to back out of a lease after signing.

gobiteme2 34

OP used the term flatmate which would led me to that they are in the UK.

How exactly did you manage to sign the contracts for a apartment that you can't afford? Don't they check your financial status where you live?

The OP and the roommate were planning to split the cost of the rent and any utilities. Since the roommate backed out, OP has to pay for all of it by themselves. As a result OP has very little or no money once they have paid for their rent.

I realize that you quite looked forward to living with your friend, but finding another flatmate in the city to split the expense shouldn't be that difficult. Just make sure they have good references and so forth so you don't end up on FML again.

Say you can't either it's in both your names (if your smart it is)then he'll work with you if not this should be a lesson to you most people suck don't trust easy