By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 20:12 - United States

Today, I finished my SAT and was feeling pretty good about it. I decided to turn on my phone, since it was on silent. As the guy was collecting our tests, my phone vibrated a little. My score was cancelled. It was a text from my mom reminding me to turn off my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 390
You deserved it 88 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you ever, ever turn your phone on when still in the room? You deserve that twice.

you deserve that sooo much...they repeat over and over again DO NOT TURN YOUR PHONE ON UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING, is it that hard to be away from your cell phone for two seconds in order to take one of the most important tests of your academic life??


Ibeapirate 0

You couldn't wait 10 minutes to turn your phone on? You deserved that one. Have fun taking it again. And next time, leave your phone at home.

Ibeapirate 0

P.S. #39, they don't trust kids because kids are not trustworthy. High schoolers have tried to cheat in almost every way imaginable, and there's nothing about this situation that would make it look any different to a proctor. Even if you really wouldn't cheat, how the hell should they know? I didn't trust teenagers when I WAS one. Wake up and smell the coffee, O Naive One.

ssnickel 0

You totally deserved that. They don't tell you not to turn your phone on until you leave the building just for fun... they actually mean that. You couldn't have lived another 5 minutes without your phone? God forbid you got a text message and replied to it ten minutes late... that would be a tragedy.

you sooo deserved it.... you can't wait like 3 more minutes?! i left my phone in the car yesterday just to be sure

You deserved it on so many levels. I took the SAT yesterday too. I think I hear the phone thing about 34889348 times.

tht doesnt make sense how does ur phone vibrate if its on silent???

palmer09 0

fail. seriously? like three more minutes wouldn't have killed you? you're lucky that they didn't cancel EVERYONE'S score, since that is actually the policy i think. high five.

@#58: Because it's standard practice for cell phone companies (and stupid people) to believe that a vibrating phone is silent. "It's not ringing, right? What more do you want?"

Darkest_Skies 0

The deadline for the June SATs is in 2 days and if you think you did well on the last one, you'll do just as well (if not better) on this one. This time, don't turn on your phone until your outside. To be way precautious, I usually put my phone on silent, turn it off, and take the battery out. Be smart. Don't take chances like that because if you get caught again, you're just wasting your time.