By failedexam - 06/11/2009 06:52 - Canada

Today, my mom texted me in the middle of my end of term math exam, saying it was extremely urgent and needed me to come home ASAP. While skipping my exam, I finally got home to find out my mom forgot what the emergency was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 771
You deserved it 6 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for leaving your phone on during an exam

catastrophicsock 0

Firstly, how were you able to check your phone and get up and leave in the middle of your final? Secondly, YDI for skipping your final. I don't care what emergency is happening, if you're not there and you have to take the time to drive home, it can't be all that important. Why wouldn't your mom just call you or you think to respond with "what's wrong?". I'm calling fake.


YDI for leaving your phone on during an exam

Reyo 2

This is a complete YDI. Just think about it, how did you know that there was an emergency? You would have had to look at/answer the phone...WHILE TAKING AN EXAM. If you were me, I wouldn't have even known to come home for an emergency...because I'd do what needs to be done at that given time, which at that time was your EXAM, not some outside emergency. It SHOULD read "Today, my phone went off during an important exam, but instead of answering it I finished the Exam, went home, and found out that it wasn't that that much of an emergency. FML" but then it wouldn't be an FML...then again, if you did what you were meant to do in that situation, your life wouldn't be ******.

Reyo 2

*If I were you DAMN I hate mornings...

What does YDI stand for? Also, there is no emergency that should make u leave a final. Acceptaybe a bomb threat, some crazy attack on the campus, or an imediate family member is dying, which I'm sure she would have promptly told u in the same message. Otherwise next time text her back and tell her ur taking a final then ask her what the emergency is. Also, maybe ur mom was just loney and there never was an emergency in which cas, she's an extremely dumb bitch!

#24, learn how to spell before calling someone dumb.

True. But if a family member says "emergency", you're expected to help. If he had time to use his phone though, he could have asked to call.

catastrophicsock 0

Firstly, how were you able to check your phone and get up and leave in the middle of your final? Secondly, YDI for skipping your final. I don't care what emergency is happening, if you're not there and you have to take the time to drive home, it can't be all that important. Why wouldn't your mom just call you or you think to respond with "what's wrong?". I'm calling fake.

YDI -- before skipping your final exam don't you think you should ask WHAT the emergency was?

I agree - if my mom called and said "emergency," I'm not going to take a time out to question her; I'm going to get there as fast as possible. However, your mom probably needs to be a little more clear on what constitutes an "emergency." :)

um no tiger actually you just disagreed with destron, not agree

Sun_Kissed18 25

Ok maybe he should have asked what the emergency was but if that was me, I wouldn't have! If something is "Extremely urgent" I'm not going to stop and ask what it is, I'm gunna get my ass home!

Why'd you check your texts in the middle of an exam?

perdix 29

The emergency is that she has early-stage dementia. Either that, or there was an emergency on one of her soap operas and she's so stupid that she thought you could come home and fix it.

My understanding is that most universities have banned any kind of cell phone use during exams due to students using the cell to cheat.

YDI for answering your cell phone during your exam. #9 is right. Cell phones usually are suppose to be left in your bag, which USUALLY should not be around your desk, but at the front of the room. Or not brought at all. Had OP got caught with the cell phone, they wouldn't care if it was an "EMERGENCY", it would have been an instance fail. But...I guess either way, its an instance fail. FML on that part.

there is nothing in this world that can't wait 30 minutes. You should have known that. YDI.

Right. I hope the emergency services don't have that attitude when you're having a heart attack/stuck in a burning building, etc...

catastrophicsock 0

There obviously wasn't an emergency if she "forgot" when he got home. And emergency services usually do take 30 minutes, or MORE, to get there.

I would hope that if it was an emergency, someone would call 911, not me. OP: you would have failed the test anyway for having your phone. Good job.

I didn't say the phone issue was an emergency. I was implying that "subjectzero" was making a stupid point.

Skull_300 0

Did you Beat the **** out of the Stupid Bitch?