By Anonymous - 15/06/2010 19:31 - United States

Today, I finally weighed myself after going on a strict diet of only fruits, vegetables, and coffee. I gained weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 177
You deserved it 22 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

try this little thing called exercise. you can't just eat right unless you have a high metabolism. so ydi.

meliz37 1

how much sugar did u put in that coffee....?


arachnichimp 2

you either A. built muscle = gaining weight B. didn't exercise = gaining weight C. felt your food tasted awful so you added a little extra = gaining weight i assume B and C considering you're so sad. no one is vouching for u hahaha

coffee ha caffeine in it, which cause you to gain weight. the only way to loose weight is to exercise eat three meals a day and eat lots of protien filled foods like nuts and fruit. cut out the coffee if your serious about loosing weight!

don't go on a strict diet, just eat healthy and excersize. that's where you went wrong. and I'm assuming you didn't eat breakfast at all which is bad because your lunch of fruit goes right into fat storage.

maddiesonnn 0

are you sure the veggies and fruits weren't like peeps? cuz they make those. and coffee makes you fat

Ericabbyx22 0

"no pain no gain" doesnt have sense anymore

laurenxoxo97 0

you know, starbucks coffee isn't fat free. especially if you get a venti chocolate whatever the hell. add whip cream and you may as well be eating a couple of big macs. now if you did real coffee, I'm sorry. most people usually refer to starbucks and all of that jazz as "coffee".

GiRIsMakingCupca 0

ur doing it wrongg-ur supposedd to eat nothingg at all,, only thenn can u losee weightt,, mayy the forcee be withh u(:

rockyraccoon28 8

false. when you eat nothing, your body goes into starvation mode and slows down your metabolism, so when you do eat, more fat is conserved, thus weight gain.

mr_miyagi 0

theres this new thing called exercise, ever heard of it?