By Emily - 21/08/2011 04:54 - United States

Today, I finally lost my virginity. In my boyfriend's racecar bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 721
You deserved it 42 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emilieee_fml 0


Does it have a phone so he can talk to other car beds?

bren150 0

Hey..."Rubbin' IS racein'". (can't believe mo one beat me to this one HA)

YOU LUCKY ASS DUCK!!!! I would LOVE to lose my virginity in a racecar bed that is so COOL!! How about you just be lucky it was a bed and not an alley or a park or a forest or the bed of a rapist/killer. I can go on and on to make you feel bad about this FML.

lol he probly thinks it was a deam come true to.

super_sayin_trun 0

Ydi because you let it happen

...i dont get the fml here....I think that's an awesome way to lose it. If losing it in his racecar bed is such a could have moved to the couch.....the shower.....a car..... ydi for expecting something magicial.