By Emily - 21/08/2011 04:54 - United States

Today, I finally lost my virginity. In my boyfriend's racecar bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 721
You deserved it 42 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emilieee_fml 0


takemewithy0u 0

Well, if you're 12 that makes sense.

Lucky you. I lost my virginity on the floor. To my rapist.

I don't know the proper response to that, so I'll bow my head in solemn silence until I learn if that post is a joke or not.

I would assume it's a joke because of the fact she/he seems perfectly fine on claiming possession of the person who 'raped' her/him. "my rapist"?

No it's not a joke "my rapist" as opposed to "my boyfriend" But anyway, it was a long time ago, my particular case isn't so important and I don't self-pity about it. I just wanted OP to know that even though things might not have happened the way she had always planned in her daydreams, she was lucky if it happened with someone who loved and respected her. I was 15. I said "you're hurting me!". He replied "just think of something else". When I remember my first time, I hear these words. I am not the only one at all in this situation. So for all of you who can remember a cute boyfriend trying to do things right for you and please you, even if it didn't work out, even if it was awkward, if it lasted for 3 seconds or whatever, please be aware that it was a blessing.

sorry i didn't want to ruin the mood or anything

I didn't like that because you've been raped but the way you talk about it's inspiring

duckman9 55

outch! sad story... I sure hope you've had better luck with your other bf's. Try not to pick only the douches :P

Today, I made the choice to lose my virginity in my boyfriend's racecar bed. YDI.

Well YDI for having sex in a racecar bed if you knew you didn't want to lose your virginity in one. Tsk, common sense.

ya know what that say about common sense.. ain't so common

gleek07 0

Ladies.... Start your enginessss!!!!

FML_14u2c 14

More like quick, unsatisfying and bloody (since it was her first time)

Your going too look back on that in a few years and relies just how awesome that is.

captain2obvious 18

I don't know about that, but it looks like it was a sweet ******* car.