By Live Sweet - 25/04/2013 05:33

Today, I finally hooked up with the guy that I have been in love with forever. If there is such a thing as soul mates, this guy is it. He's my best friend in the whole world. It was the worst sex I have ever had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 624
You deserved it 14 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sex isn't everything! He'll get better, maybe it's his first time.

Everybody can learn, just be honest and work on it in a nice way. Its about creating good experiences :-) sex can always be improved if you talk! good luck!


To be fair, if you think all that. Being bad in bed shouldn't matter. You know?

finch01 18

keep going it will get better

Lordalucad 9

Exactly how much sex have you had?

All that soul mate mumbo jumbo had your sexpectations cranked through the stratosphere. Yank him down from that pedestal and explore the awkward, messy, dirty, physical reality of actual sex.

Luckily for you, you can train him in the indecent arts and mold him into the greatest sexer this world has ever known.

Once a musician ask a passerby, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" The answer was Practice, practice, practice.

septembers_over_fml 3

but..congratulations to you for waiting that long to do it anyways!

OP I feel your pain. Ive been with my boyfriend for a year now, his sex drive is nearly non-existant. but I love him more than anything. I honestly think our relationship is stronger and more real because we aren't blinded by lust. Sex isnt everything, don't let it ruin something wonderful :)