By dasbooot - 30/04/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, I finally got my cast taken off my leg after a long month of crutches. I was so excited, until four dead spiders fell out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 738
You deserved it 4 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

id probably just reply with "thats ****** gross" but..when i was 4 i broke my leg in soccer and had a cast on, i remember putting a handful of ants down there and letting them crawl around cause it parents had to take me to get it off and get a new one


id probably just reply with "thats ****** gross" but..when i was 4 i broke my leg in soccer and had a cast on, i remember putting a handful of ants down there and letting them crawl around cause it parents had to take me to get it off and get a new one

KriiFahMoro 9

Thank you for your valuable input on the situation.

Its a shame they didnt lay any eggs in there, now that woulda been fun!

jecrk2 0

How is it that four spiders happen to get under your cast? I'm not sure I beliveve this, maybe if it were just one . . .

at night they could have crawled in. at night spiders sometimes crawl into your mouth

#140 little tiny spiders not huge ones

Dear god, that is horrific. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. FYL.