By Anonymous - 15/06/2009 11:23 - United States

Today, I finally got a chance to try out my vibrator. I've never orgasmed before with a guy, so I thought there was no hope until my friend gave me the vibrator for my birthday. It was going amazing, better than sex. I was literally 2 seconds away from climaxing when the battery suddenly died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 198
You deserved it 14 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FBIWarning 0

jeeze how long were you at it for the battery to die?

next time: 1) set up webcam 2) post up movie 3) ???? 4) profit!


PollySighDevil 0

1) If you had never orgasmed before how did you know it was 2 seconds away? 2) if you just got it for your birthday how did the batteries run out that fast?

ohhdamn 0
scaredofgirls 0

thats why girls have fingers......


you should have asked me to help you out!

HAHAHAHA. This is one of the funniest FMLs I've ever heard. That ******* sucks!!!! You could just find a better guy. Or some X. That'll make you ******.

wrift 0

"Give your vibrator some Viagra" LMAO genius. how long do you take to ******? either that vibrator had shit battery life.

how could anyone possibly deserve this?!

Damn, that SUCKS, honey. I've never had an ****** before either. I want a vibrator, but the easiest way to get it is at the store that I can't go into yet...not for two months. All you people bein' nasty, chill. No reason to tell her she's stupid. It sucks not to have an ******.

live1laugh2love3 0

i love how most of the comments on here reference the previous comments before commenting on the FML story lol