By KrazyKill - 09/03/2012 19:04 - Canada

Today, I faked being sick so I could weasel out of a chemistry test at school. Happy that I pulled it off, I posted my accomplishment on Facebook. I forgot that I'm friends with my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 990
You deserved it 75 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Teabubbles 8

*In Red Forman's voice* "DUMBASS" .

lolololer 8


jstorie95 8
perdix 29

It's OK, parents are secretly OK with their slack-ass kids having an aversion to chemistry. It means their idiot kids aren't going to be building a meth lab anytime soon.

No wonder you didnt want to take the chemistry test, youre on idiot.

Steve95401 49
kittenvks 11

This was so stupid OP that had the first six comments said that you're a dumbass I'd be willing to bet that every single one would still have gotten thumbed up and we're really not fond of repetition here :)

Thats the main thing I keep in mind when posting something

Facebook is the root of all evil!!!! I bet you've got hundreds of "friends" to you twit.

In the voice of a powerful wizard, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"