By lonely - 01/01/2011 17:11 - United States

Today, I posted on my Facebook wall that I'd gotten into a huge bar fight and had the shit kicked out of me, all to avoid having to tell the truth, namely that I'd stayed home all night because nobody invited me out to party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 045
You deserved it 34 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

No wonder no one wants to be with you -- you are useless even in imaginary bar fights! I'll bet your imaginary girlfriend is ugly and frigid, and she's cheating on you with your boring imaginary best friend.

thats shit, go out meet people, make friends, and stop sittin at home complainin thru the internet to people how you have no friends, cuz no one is gonna be your pity friend here either.


but why lie..just dont mention your pathetic new years...ANDDD why lie and say you got your ass kicked?? soo lame. lol. you couldve made up a better lie... YDI & sorry that your new years sucked big time lol

thats shit, go out meet people, make friends, and stop sittin at home complainin thru the internet to people how you have no friends, cuz no one is gonna be your pity friend here either.

Jersey born and raised? Damn, you have no shame.

shut up he's got a point. what's OP getting by whining on the Internet?

attention? i mean just look over 50 comments lol .

in new jersey born n raised, the gym is where i spent most of my days in the mens bathroom injectin' some roids actin all cool doin' some smooth crack outside the school when a couple of jersey "beefers" they were up to no good, started makin' trouble in my neighbourhood i got in one little flexing competition and my "ma" got scared and said you movin' with aunty and uncle in bel air

#83 Wow...don't ever degrade FPoBA by associating it with Jersey...You obviously watch and enjoy the show enough that you have the intro memorized, so maybe you should show some respect for it. Anyways, @ OP, don't be too down about spending new year's alone..not the end of the world. But seriously, come up with a better lie next time?? Why would you tell people that you got the shit beat out of about you kicked the shit out of 2 guys hitting on your girl and you have to show up in court for assault..Instead of digging yourself in a deeper hole by saying that you got the shit beat out of you..

perdix 29

No wonder no one wants to be with you -- you are useless even in imaginary bar fights! I'll bet your imaginary girlfriend is ugly and frigid, and she's cheating on you with your boring imaginary best friend.

LouderThanEver 0

Some one needs to tell him to get back in reality.

Lol. If he can't win in his imagination, then how do any of you people to go out and make friends in real life!?

#36 maybe he can imagine someone tells him this.

Wow... You went to all the trouble of publically humiliating yourself over a public forum, explaining that you got your ass handed to you..To cover a private humiliation of not being invited out to party? You could have easily kept that to yourself, so I suppose you didnt think that one through huh.

tandem123 6

Simplest possible solution: don't update your status.

Hidan_fml 0

If you ******* lose in a bar fight that never even ******* happened, no wonder you're such a ******* loser.

"I ain't gonna take too many more of those mother *******"... Redd Foxx

Hidan_fml 0

Sorry, I have a ******* swearing problem. If you read my ******* profile, you would ******* know that.

If you had put your profile information in English, maybe people would be able to ******* read it, friend.

Hidan_fml 0

So use Google Translate. I know Google Translate sucks, but it's Japanese-English translation for About Me is actually dead-on.

Hidan_fml 0

In case YOU didn't notice, this ******* website was made by a guy in France. :)

Hidan, considering you're new here and considering pendatik has nearly 6000 comments to his name, I have a sneaking suspicion he may know the Mighty FML Deity personally. As he said, this is an English language website. So stick with English, and don't consider yourself so far above everyone else as to expect us to care enough to translate your profile.

It was actually made by THREE guys in France. Now shut it before I make you eat your own head, you nitwit.

Why would you say that. I would say do something like "I got into this huge bar fight and beat the shit out of this one guy."

So instead of just telling people you sat at home you decided to make yourself look like a wimp. Good plan!

So your starting your year off with a LIE ?! not too smart, my friend. But, Happy New Year (:

I'm sure people would respect you more if you weren't so desperate to conform. As it is, if you're going to be a liar, at least make ithe lie more impressive than the truth.