By Anonymous - 19/01/2016 12:43 - Canada - Bedford

Today, I entered the bathroom to discover that my brother had left semen and filthy water all over the floor and counter. I confronted him and demanded that he clean it up. My parents heard, sighed, and sent me back into the bathroom to clean it up myself. The towel was soaked too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 919
You deserved it 1 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did they make you clean it up? Did they think you made the mess? Did they think it was just a bit of water?

That is disgusting! Not to mention, really rude of your parents to force you to clean up his mess. I'd refuse to do it.


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Well the parents were the one who made OP clean up .. Which I don't see why, I honestly would've preferred to take punishment(if it's given) and not clean it up. I would never clean up someone's mess that is that disgusting.

What is wrong with your parents??? You should have left it and used any other bathroom in the house if there was another one. You should never be expected to do that for your brother.

Why did they make you clean it up? Did they think you made the mess? Did they think it was just a bit of water?

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Could be anyone's mouth! Could even be your own mouth!

Jill's mouth doesn't count, that's still just your hand 19.

what's with the down votes 19 was honestly funny

That is disgusting! Not to mention, really rude of your parents to force you to clean up his mess. I'd refuse to do it.

no doubt. would not even think about touching it

That's nasty, why would OP have to clean it up? Her bro needs to learn the toilet paper method.

Or even just use the old socks method.

Wow. I don't understand why they got mad at you; you didn't do anything wrong. FYL, that's really gross.

Sounds like you were in a sticky situation

I didn't think Canadians demanded anything? You all are always so polite, probably threw them off of their game.

In before goldmine! (Passcode: Stairs?)

**** that shit! You shouldn't have to clean up his cum. If he can cum, he can clean!

That's disgusting. Your parents are disgusting. If you all use the same bathroom, I would have left the house and let them enjoy it.