By Anonymous - 19/03/2009 20:47 - Canada

Today, at 4:00 a.m., I woke up and realized that I had thrown an expensive gift certificate for a friend in the garbage. Since it was garbage day, I ran out in the rain in my pajamas and rifled through all three bags of garbage. Twice. I found the gift certificate. It was in my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 380
You deserved it 58 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

left it in the garbage? why would it have been in the garbage in the first place if you intended on giving it to a friend?

Ender_ 0

#1 - maybe they just figured it was a good hiding spot so their friend wouldn't find it. Or maybe they're just stupid.


left it in the garbage? why would it have been in the garbage in the first place if you intended on giving it to a friend?

The op said nothing about leaving it in the garbage they said they had accidentally tossed it.

Ender_ 0

#1 - maybe they just figured it was a good hiding spot so their friend wouldn't find it. Or maybe they're just stupid.

yeah why would you put an expensive gift certificate in the garbage? unless you dreamt you did. and even then why put it in your pocket it gets all bent up that way.

Why was it in the garbage in the first place? Or in your pocket for that matter?

StupidDancer 0

Why would u put an EXPENSIVE in the Grbage?! Didya want it to soak up the garbage smell or something?...:)

at least it wasnt taken up by the garbage collector

(for easier grammar reasons, i will assume the poster is a girl) I think what she's trying to say is that she spent all that time looking through garbage, only to find out the gift certificate was in her pocket the whole time.

I assume she just forgot it was in the bag and threw the bag out

soxgrl33 0

Aw man, that sucks. Sounds like something I would do, haha.