By Anonymous - 04/11/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, I drove three and a half hours to surprise my long distance boyfriend for our anniversary. He was out of town. Where was he? Three and a half hours away trying to surprise me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 618
You deserved it 8 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTFpancakes 0

Well at least you both had your hearts in the right place!


It's an easy to understand FML. But at the same time, it's not really one. Money

quarty165 0

while it's frustrating to get there and realize that, it's still really cute and ultimately a good thing. not only do you both care about each other, you think alike! (not to say romances can't, it just makes things easier)

i was going to say the same thing. it sucks to have wasted precious time like that, but it's really sweet.

dragonflygal 0
Brooklynxman 0

Thats....romantic once you get past the fail. Really romantic. He's a keeper.

Aww. I think thts soo cute. But it sux tht tht hapend. Haha

McFinder 0

that is the cutest thing to ever come out of FML. #79 has never loved; you sad, sad person

Exactly #86. (I'm trying to bring back the posters-refering-to-each-other-as-numbers trend).