By koalaburr - 28/04/2015 15:00 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I dressed up sexy to cheer up my boyfriend after a bad day at work. Instead of being cheered up, he accused me of dressing up that way for the male DJs at the radio station where I work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 172
You deserved it 3 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that he's the veil of insecurity he's wearing is not flattering to his overall appearance

You're gonna have to talk to him about that, nobody should have to deal with an insecure and accusatory partner, whether he had a bad day or not- it's still not okay


Tell him that he's the veil of insecurity he's wearing is not flattering to his overall appearance

1dvs_bstd 41
ChristianH39 30

To be fair, "after he had a bad day at work" would've been more clear. But it is pretty obvious.

thanks #2 Capt Obvious ... where would we be without your vast knowledge of this FML?

You're gonna have to talk to him about that, nobody should have to deal with an insecure and accusatory partner, whether he had a bad day or not- it's still not okay

Be carefull OP, that jealousy tends to get strongher if you have a similliar type of secret.

1221jamw 11

I disagree, I am very (admittedly) jealous. I am 100% loyal to my girlfriend but somewhere along the line of my life picked up trust issues

I am not saying that one have to have such a secret to get jealous, I am just saying that if you do, you tend to react stronger on such trivial things that might imply interest in another person than your partner. No matter how small they might be, maybe even completely unrelated, but you draw the lines to early, to protect your own secret by blaming your partner for interest in another person.

Also, it takes one to know one. If you've cheated, you know the signs of cheating. Not that jealousy is always a sign of the other person having a secret, but sometimes it can be.

i agree, #4, I've had many cheating partners, so i get jealous, but I've never cheated

Your boyfriend sounds like a bundle of joy.

It's weird he would assume that over any other scenario. Tell him to stop being ridiculous and to start trusting you a little more.

Call him a disc and yourself a jockey, cos you're gonna spin him 'round all night.

By the looks of it, I don't think OP and her boyfriend ended up playing any music

And by music I meant sex. I'm sorry for my terrible joke i'll go now