By twnty1 - 31/05/2010 15:43 - United States

Today, I discovered that I'm allergic to band-aids. I now have a band-aid shaped rash around a tiny cut on my leg. Oh the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 180
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marakara 0

A band-aid making your condition worse? That is a textbook example of situational irony. Quit being douchebags, especially when you're wrong.

yarbles 3

put some alcohol on that bitch and move on


djsmiles 0

lol thats really ironic.. hha

"refuck" lol awsome... surprisingly never heard that... I use " fucktard". :0)

Band aids - it's got aids in the name. Gotta avoid aids Don't have gay AIDS buttsex - check! Don't drink the kool-AIDS - check! Don't use band AIDS for tiny ass cuts, ya pussy! - not check.

Holy shit I've commented like 4 times and not one has even showed up. imma stick to threadjacking!

apriltwentieth 4

that could be Lyme disease.

Fang_Banger 0

15 no you can actually get a rash when I take off certain bandaids it leaves a redmark and it can be there for days. dumb ****. also aww Colin you uploaded that baby pic! :D

hausofgaga 0

maybe theres something in a bandaid or something

spetchi 0

A lot of people are allergic to the adhesive used on latex band-aids. Like me, allergic to the adhesive on latex but not the cloth kind