By twnty1 - 31/05/2010 15:43 - United States

Today, I discovered that I'm allergic to band-aids. I now have a band-aid shaped rash around a tiny cut on my leg. Oh the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 180
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marakara 0

A band-aid making your condition worse? That is a textbook example of situational irony. Quit being douchebags, especially when you're wrong.

yarbles 3

put some alcohol on that bitch and move on


I think the comment feature on FML should be turned off and they should get rid of it. These are just here to give you a good laugh or make you cringe. Not so you pathetic people with no lives can try and be dicks. Example^^ Hemhem.


its not an allergic reaction... whenever u wear bandaids too long u can get a rash... duh!

kingdachris 1

ever read the front of the wrapper, ALLERGY ITEMS

that is a LATEX allergy and my son has it as well and u should be careful because MANY products are made from latex INCLUDING CONDOMS!! There are bandaids that are latex free for people with this issue.

spetchi 0

I'm actually allergic to the ADHESIVE they use on latex band-aids but not fabric band-aids. It could be that OP is allergic to the adhesive and not the latex.

I'm allergic to the adhesive too, I get the same reactions from other things like heart monitors.

spetchi 0

It seems like a lot of people are allergic to the adhesive (from reading these comments). Its just itchy and it'll go away after a while if you don't scratch. But if you're like me, you'll scratch until it bleeds and end with scars in the shape of a band-aid

Yeah I'm the same, its the adhesive they use on the latex ones that get me. Same with the heart rate moniters. Its not latex coz I'm not allergic to condoms or latex gloves >.>

I too, am allergic to the adhesive. So far I've found that the Band-aid brand "tough strips" are the ones i have the least reaction to.

Guerrilla8 0

not at all ironic... annd.. aparently your life is really easy cuz that's not worth complaining about.. when u get shot or lose a limb that is f"d up.. but a bamdaid rash!?? psh!....

Marakara 0

A band-aid making your condition worse? That is a textbook example of situational irony. Quit being douchebags, especially when you're wrong.

adhesive are one of the most common skin irritants that wussys call an allergy... when u break out into a full body rash and your throat swells shut that's an allergy worth complaining about.. for real...