By twnty1 - 31/05/2010 15:43 - United States

Today, I discovered that I'm allergic to band-aids. I now have a band-aid shaped rash around a tiny cut on my leg. Oh the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 180
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marakara 0

A band-aid making your condition worse? That is a textbook example of situational irony. Quit being douchebags, especially when you're wrong.

yarbles 3

put some alcohol on that bitch and move on


I'm allergic to latex in band aids too. not cool.

lickmyjock 0
vrock 0

that's not ironic or an fml

ATTENTION TO EVERYONE WHO THINKS THIS ISN'T IRONY: This is actually the first REAL example of irony I've heard in a while. As 103 said, take some goddamn English classes. Irony is a situation that turns out the opposite of what you expected. You put on a band-aid thinking it will heal you, and instead he got a rash. THIS IS IRONIC. Now shut up.

Irony: the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention. You're wrong.

Elksy 0


The use of "situational irony" (also called cosmic irony, and other things) simply describes unfortunate coincidences. Its use is commonly rejected—by people that went to school, that is.

mistertinkleburg 0

122: I love how you're using the definition that Bender sings in the last episode of Futurama. But I have to disagree with you here. Sorry.

47 wins. It's ******* retarded to argue about irony and coincidence. Irony can be a matter of opinion anyway. Suck it. Put away your dictionary and laugh with the rest of us, you doucher.

how old are you? because this must of been your very first cut ever

campbellshayla73 0

aftr awhile u get used 2 it

Blue, you've been around FML long enough to have learned that allergies can develop at any point in one's life. This fact is mentioned in nearly all allergy-related FML comments. Do you really never read past the first thread?

purplerawr 0

I'm allergic too. I feel your pain.