By twnty1 - 31/05/2010 15:43 - United States

Today, I discovered that I'm allergic to band-aids. I now have a band-aid shaped rash around a tiny cut on my leg. Oh the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 180
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marakara 0

A band-aid making your condition worse? That is a textbook example of situational irony. Quit being douchebags, especially when you're wrong.

yarbles 3

put some alcohol on that bitch and move on


iondadola 0

Well look, fml is full of doctors! I'm sure op is all better now from the good advice.

haha I'm allergic to band aids tooo FML

I'm allergic to the adhesive too, I have a couple band-aid shaped scars on my body. I have the same issue with some medical tapes, so I usually just leave the bandage on until it stops bleeding and then leave it open.

if it was a tiny cuz then why did u need a band aid?? but still haha:P

hey moron do you know why irony is?

iridianpulido 0

ur not allergic to the band aid ur allergic to latex,try non latex band aids next time

yea I think it will suck more for op when they realize they're also related to latex condoms.

Not necessarily. I'm allergic to bandaids and not latex. Well condoms don't seem to cause me any trouble any way...and I haven't noted any reaction to any other rubber or latex products. I think it's the adhesive.

Blue_Coconuts 7

Also, if you're allergic to them, it's expected to make a small rash. However the notion that OP just found out is interesting in the fact that as a child that means they never got a shot, or a cut and thus never got a bandaid, which is just silly and is rather suspect. So most likely there was another cause behind it, or OP is an idiot. But with something so common as the material in bandaids, they should be fully aware.