By twnty1 - 31/05/2010 15:43 - United States

Today, I discovered that I'm allergic to band-aids. I now have a band-aid shaped rash around a tiny cut on my leg. Oh the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 180
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marakara 0

A band-aid making your condition worse? That is a textbook example of situational irony. Quit being douchebags, especially when you're wrong.

yarbles 3

put some alcohol on that bitch and move on


that literally just happened to me. deal with it. not that bad.... whiner :P

Shockvalue 0

OP could just be allergic to latex. They make latex-free band-aids. Try it.

To the dumbshit who thinks they're badass shit talking me: maybe if you went back to school and learned to read shit right you would see I said it was ******* irony. Now do the world a favor, stop acting like you're two years old, learn to read, and stop trying to fight over the damn Internet because it's making YOU the pathetic one. Have a good ******* day =]

This really is the definition of IRONY! HAHAHA!

negative52 0

they probably had latex im them. a latex free bandaid probably wouldnt do that. =]

genemutations13 0

That does suck!!! It happens to me too, but I am not allergic to latex....

I got the same problem for fabric bandaids.

I am allergic to them too, but it might be latex that you are allergic tooo.