By OompaLoompa - 18/06/2009 13:32 - United Kingdom

Today, I decided to use fake tan, seeing as I am so pale. Everywhere I have been today, I have had children behind me. Singing the Oompa Loompa song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 274
You deserved it 62 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-da Oompa, Loopma, doom-pa-dee-do


YDI this is something that you can't go cheap with. You need to shell out some $$ and do it the right way at a salon. Trust me, I'm in Miami and see this happen ALL OF THE TIME.

Ha, I just read it again, while I drink Irn Bru. YOUR FIZZY, YOUR GINGER, YOUR PHENOMENALLLLL!!! ♪

What are you, a guidette? They must have guidos and guidettes in England, because they are the only people who think that fake tanner looks good.

Fake tans are so lame. A little bit of sun doesn't hurt anyone, unless you're one of those redhead albino people who burn after like ten minutes in the sun (damn that sucks) Either go out in the sun, or embrace your paleness. It looks horrible when people who look like they should be pale are tan instead...

SeeAlsoJaime 0

Shouldve just stayed pale. It looks 10x better anyways. Porcelain is the new oompa loompa. And at least you acknowledge that your tan looks like shit, unlike the ***** who walk around with orange skin and think they look like Megab Fox or something.

IllegalLight 0

my bullshit alarm is going off...

why does she deserve it? It isnt like she wound anyone up just so they would sing Oompa Loompa behind her. Your prob just jealous cos a good FML got posted and not urs. I think its hilarious.

When will people learn that fake tans like that will make you orange LMAO xD

"You ******* deserved it" is more awkward than "you deserved ******* it"? Lawl. Edit: Whoa. Mine did the same thing. Wrong comment. D: So sorry.

word.. Nothing wrong with being pale ;D

justdesserts 0

YDI for using a SPRAY on tan.