By OompaLoompa - 18/06/2009 13:32 - United Kingdom

Today, I decided to use fake tan, seeing as I am so pale. Everywhere I have been today, I have had children behind me. Singing the Oompa Loompa song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 274
You deserved it 62 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-da Oompa, Loopma, doom-pa-dee-do


You deserve it, just live with being pale ffs, who really gives a crap?

i'm pale too but i don't feel the need to pay money to get a fake tan that will most likely end up looking super un-natural and yes, probably orange...YDI

jewelzgalore 0

I know of many people who looked MUCH better before they got tans. It isn't necessarily that one is better than the other. It all depends on which person the tan is on.

ohhsnapp 0

hahahahhahah. that would suck.

bibbit 0
bibbit 0

Anyone who says being pale is "hot" is just trying to make themself feel better.

Whooitsleah 0

Embrace your paleness! #117, being pale doesn't even matter if the rest you is hot...

blacklite69 0

And the moral to this story is: Learn to love your own ethnicity. YDI.

absentinsanity6 0

EW, fake tans? Even so, this is why you should PROBABLY put a small patch of it on a test area of your skin to see how the color will look first, ya know?

theswarm666x 1

honestly, what CHILDREN would be singing those songs to you? the original is to old for them to know/care about. even if any do you'd be lucky to find one. i am near positive that if any children cared about the movie they'd know of the new one with johnny depp. at that point the songs would have no relevance to your condition.

YDI for thinking fake tan could ever look good. Tans only ever look decent when they're natural.