Soft as snow

By Snow White - 22/05/2017 22:00

Today, I'm so pale that I managed to get a sunburn while sitting in a bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 047
You deserved it 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Early in the spring, I need to get my sunscreen on before I take my dogs out in the garden. For five minutes or I'll get rash. Photosensitivity is a bitch. To top it off, I'm allergic to most sunscreens.

I feel your pain :( 6 minutes in the sun is all I can handle!


I feel your pain :( 6 minutes in the sun is all I can handle!

That sucks. Early in the spring, I need to get my sunscreen on before I take my dogs out in the garden. For five minutes or I'll get rash. Photosensitivity is a bitch. To top it off, I'm allergic to most sunscreens.

ugh I'm so sorry i reported your comment mistakenly while scrolling! no option to back out

NYTeen 7

I just did that too. Why do we all do this. Sorry.

You must have some vampire blood in you.

It's why I carry sunscreen in my bag for emergencies :S

Lobby_Bee 17

Give yourself a pat on the back. You are excellent at photosynthesis.

i feel you.. Irish skin! driving last summer my entire arm burnt.. looked ridiculous one red one white arm

That's quite a feat, given that UVB rays (the ones that cause sunburn) don't travel through glass.

crumpets 123 8

window could have been open. It's happened to me

Photosensitivity isn't necessarily from UV-rays. I avoided sun when I became allergic to the sun, but got rash anyway. Only to find out reflected sunrays were enough to give me hives. Through windows. Reflected on marble. I had to powder my face on top of my blockers. As a teenage boy. And had to wear black. I love colours and it was one of the most depressing summers I've ever had and I have clinical depression as SYMPTOM.

Three years later, I had to move to a lot more sunnier day. Non-white teenage boy walking around in shades and umbrella in a colourfull city. In black.

sherbear86 21

Did you not expect sun to be able to go through a window?

UV doesn't, so for most people it's safe to endure.

Hellsing1993 7

I'm glad I'm not the only one that's that freaking pale