By Michelle - 26/04/2010 21:42 - New Zealand

Today, I decided to quit smoking. During my lunch break, I tried to ash the KitKat bar that was in my hand after I took a bite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 710
You deserved it 17 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

This is the kind of FML that you can't really blame the OP at all. It's actually really inspiring that you decided to quit smoking :) Quitting is tough, and it takes a while to get out of the habit (hence trying to ash a kitkat bar). But, I, and I'm sure a lot of other FML users, are proud. Fun fact: every cigarette you smoke takes eleven minutes off your life.


well at least u are taking ur first steps my grandfather died of lung cancer and he was a smoker

Bahaha. i dis that with the stick pretzels when I qfirst quit. purty funny

Bahaha. i dis that with the stick pretzels when I qfirst quit. purty funny

Lightbulb830 4

You should smoke weed instead.

It does get easier eventually, I've been there

cunningchick 1

Hahahaha thats funny as shit!