By Michelle - 26/04/2010 21:42 - New Zealand

Today, I decided to quit smoking. During my lunch break, I tried to ash the KitKat bar that was in my hand after I took a bite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 710
You deserved it 17 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

This is the kind of FML that you can't really blame the OP at all. It's actually really inspiring that you decided to quit smoking :) Quitting is tough, and it takes a while to get out of the habit (hence trying to ash a kitkat bar). But, I, and I'm sure a lot of other FML users, are proud. Fun fact: every cigarette you smoke takes eleven minutes off your life.


bahahahahaaa dickheeeeeaaaaaadd!!! thats funny as!!! pmsl, very nicely done :P

which is exacyltly why it is time to quit

DaveOnDope 4

Thank (deity) I stopped smoking, well, tobacco anyway.

peacelivs 0

eewweeweweeweeeeqwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww your super gross!!!!!!!!!!!

Good for you for stopping smoking! You can do this! My dad used the stop-smoking patches and ate certs mints like crazy. He still - five years later - keeps a box of certs or one of those bulky packs of gum in his t-shirt pocket. It looks and feels like a cigarette box, and the mint helps. Good luck! Your lungs and heart will thank you! *applause!*

Wow **** you tobacco-nazis the man has the right to smoke whenever he wants, so shut your painted holes you 16 old teens.

sgaske 3

This was hilarious OP. I've been in your shoes. Keep fighting the good fight!

You dumbass, the Kit Kat doesn't ash if it isn't lit. Haha, just kidding OP. Good luck to quitting. :)

I did the same thing, only with a french fry when i was quitting.. don't worry OP you'll find yourself doing little habbits like this while quiting.. it does get better over time.. good luck