By Pimaan - 26/10/2011 16:14 - United States

Today, I decided to be a generous guy and slip a dollar from my pocket to a beggar. Turns out I'd slipped my hard-earned $100 bill instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 738
You deserved it 35 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were feeling pretty generous.

I literally FELT your pain while reading this..


Sucks when one dollar bills look like 100 dollar bills, doesn't it? Too bad you're not in Canada, where we have loonies. Things like that don't happen. :P

zowieandzander77 1

OP why oh why must you pretend FML is an English essay..." slip a dollar from my pocket to a beggar"...

cuddlebunny3548 11

Do you have any idea how much those people make a year? Most of them have paychecks, you shouldn't have even given him anything, especially if he didn't look all that dirty.

It was nice of you to donate money but try looking next time lol

Just look at it this way, you probably made his or her day. Unless they use it for drugs, then it was a complete waste.

The googly-eyed expression that crept across his face after he received your $100 should have clued you in that he was feeling lucky. |the kid|

And that's why o don't give homeless people money

rayne_313 0

I believe you just purchased a week's supply of heroin.

oh u were very generous...mission accomplished