By totallyembarassed - 07/07/2012 04:08 - United States - Charlotte

Today, when I went to pay for my groceries, I accidentally handed the cashier a condom instead of my $20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 28 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

Depending on the cashier's personality, this could go many ways: It could be absolutely hilarious and you could make a new friend. The cashier could be a sweet old lady who reminds you of your granny, and become flustered. It would be awkward for everyone. The cashier could give you a creepy wink-grin combo. Any combination of the above, and more scenarios. I'm assuming, since this is an FML, it wasn't the first one. So.... Awkward.

Clearly an acceptable form of legal US currency. Washington is run by dicks anyway.


MyaaBayyBee 6

At least you're saying "always stay strapped"

My question is, how do you mistake a condom and a $20 bill. Seems kind of impossible. You could just feel the difference.

JustDerpin 11

If I was that cashier, I would have winked and wrote my number on the back of your receipt.

I just hope the condom was still in it's package

GVirdi 11

Well.. The story is an FML now

Well, it is on FML, so I'm guessing not perfect...

indielove 13

"I'm sorry sir. We only take cash, credit ,or checks."

"Sorry sir, we don't take rubber checks."

Another reason not to keep condoms in your wallet or pockets...

Tell her it's a limited edition coin still in the wrapper.

61 - oh yes, carrying a condom and being prepared is just a HORRIBLE thing to do.

81- it's actually not safe to keep a condom in a wallet. The friction caused from opening and closing the wallet as well as body heat (from inside a pocket) can cause the condom to deteriorate therefore cause small holes, thus defeating the purpose of using a condom in the first place.

How do you know OP isn't a woman? I keep my condoms in a part of my wallet where they don't rub against things.

TheFamilyElf 17

Depending on the cashier's personality, this could go many ways: It could be absolutely hilarious and you could make a new friend. The cashier could be a sweet old lady who reminds you of your granny, and become flustered. It would be awkward for everyone. The cashier could give you a creepy wink-grin combo. Any combination of the above, and more scenarios. I'm assuming, since this is an FML, it wasn't the first one. So.... Awkward.

GVirdi 11

The cashier could have also been a guy I wonder how awkward that would have been

You should write more novels and make millions.

ElGrandeNacho 3

Just cause you wrote a paragraphs worth, you get a like and a smiley

HonestTruth 5

At least your mum wasn't with you.

GVirdi 11
HonestTruth 5

She would probably put that in the FML to add to the awkwardness.

Why would anyone be buying condoms with their mother...............

Atleast it wasn't your mom at the cash register.

You obviously care for the cashier, you don't want them to get pregnant and die ;)

Wait, pregnancy causes death? Talk about mind blowing!

All pregancies cause death. It just takes a very long time for the symptoms to show..

And air is just takes 80 years to kill us. :)

If we lived 80 years breathing poisonous air... Wouldn't we get to a state wherein won't effect us? Plus a lot of ppl live PAST 80

Listerinekiss_fml 7

There's nothing wrong with paying people in sex op people do it all the time to get what they want why not try it at the grocery store produce is expensive as hell

"There's nothing wrong with paying people in sex, OP. People do it all the time. Why not try it at the grocery store; produce is expensive as hell!" Try some punctuation, it's great!

I don't ever remember any condoms feeling like a 20dollar bill

Dnigz13 I think you are my new best mate!(yes I was stalking your profile)

7 - you look like someone I NEVER want to piss off.

Tulegit: hahaha right on I dont mind lol Jinxx: hahaha

dixiefoxx 22

I wonder what the cashiers reaction was..

KM96 24

Probably shocked as hell ... Just a wild guess

Or he/she winked and said "I'll see you in the back". OP is definitely leaving vital information out. I think that's it ^

Clearly an acceptable form of legal US currency. Washington is run by dicks anyway.

SenselessPattern 12

A moment of silence for one of the few funny and original jokes made on FML. May it rest in peace. U_U

bitch_pleez 10

Just picturing the conversation with this.. Cashier "I'm sorry, what is this for?" OP "oh umm, always use protection?" Cashier "oooookkkkkkk...." OP "crap. Bye!!"