By Nudge23 - 26/09/2011 07:26 - Australia

Today, I cleared out the messages in my voicemail. Of the 50+ messages, most were from my mother wanting to know when I'd be home. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 819
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get out a bit more? Meet some people at the local starbucks? The world is yours friend, you're 27!

Caller ID: Allowing people to ignore Mom's calls since 1987.


Maybe get out a bit more? Meet some people at the local starbucks? The world is yours friend, you're 27!

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

Move out OP bc I mean ur 27 ands quite sad if u live ur parents still

My momma say dat alligators are so ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush

Don't worry OP you're not the only one who was an over worrying mother I'm 26 and most if my voicemails are from her too I have friends but she's just the only one who leaves voicemails

rallets 22

you forgot to add at the end "im 27.. and live with my mother"

juturnaamo 29

If you live at home, ydi for worrying your mother.

OP doesn't live with his/her mother....that's why she's worried.

juturnaamo 29

Maybe, or maybe they are just an accumulation of "It's 11:00 why aren't you home yet?" and "I didn't here you come in last night, where are you?"

Uhm, my guess is that he still lives with his mother, who's always worried about the hour her sweet little cupcake of a son will go to bed. Anyway, if you're 27 and still living with your mom, she has the right to ask you when you're going to be home.

Ah, I see. I was thinking it was the voicemail of a home phone, not a cell phone. Derp.

Olovio 5

Tell the world you're comin' home!

fakeaccountX 6

The tears of a clown....I hate that song.

jonan1212 5

It's your fault, don't complain while your under your parents roof or get out more to set the habit in so your parents don't worry

Times have changed, times are strange Here I come but I ain't the same Momma I'm comin' home

perdix 29

The overstuffed voice mailbox has a simple solution: Always stay at home with your mom. Nobody cares about you as much as she does.

bryannab1 0

She might just be having a hard time letting go and is worried about you. Or maybe she wanted to drop by and say hello.

I say move out lol Or do they allow that? Either way FYL :(

I say move out lol Or do they allow that? Either way FYL :(