By noway6000 - 03/03/2009 16:49 - United States

Today, my parents left for work before I had to leave for school and I decided to skip. I stayed by the phone, expecting the school to call so I could pose as my parent and excuse my absence. The phone rings and I pick up. It's my Mom, calling to leave my dad a message on the machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 567
You deserved it 94 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

If you're going to skip, at least do it right. You should have called school and acted like your mom and told them you weren't coming in. And you should have screened phone calls. Your fault.

Cloudy_fml 0

When I was in grade school, they'd never bother to call until AFTER school had ended...


Cloudy_fml 0

When I was in grade school, they'd never bother to call until AFTER school had ended...


Same here. Even still, in highschool they still call AFTER school ends.

LittleMissMack 0

If you're going to skip, at least do it right. You should have called school and acted like your mom and told them you weren't coming in. And you should have screened phone calls. Your fault.

momo_sir 9

Seriously? How rude can you guys be?!

woww yourr kind of stupid ... THATS WHAT CALLER ID IS FORR SMART ONE

xixifwadi 0

how us your comment not thumbed up more?! it makes the most sense. +1 from me.

you should have just let it go to voicemail! :[[[

nipples_fml 0

if you dont have caller id you should have just let it all go to the machine and then deleted any if the school left one......better luck next time.

My dear, you should have just faked sick, or went somewhere else to skip off!

EcceNemo 0

You DEFINITELY deserved that.

I guess your dad has no cell/work phone and your house has no caller id.

I agree with #3, do you not even have caller ID or something?