By stillavirgin - 03/01/2010 07:41 - Canada

Today, I changed my 2009 new year's resolution to lose my virginity to my 2010 new year's resolution. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 236
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Shouldn't be a resolution. Don't be easy.

perdix 29

Step 1. Go to a bar near closing time Step 2. Lower your standards Step 3. There is no step 3! Some drunk dude is ******* you in the men's room or in the parking lot and your resolution is complete! Yay!


Lol, I can help fix the problem. Just need a venarial disease check from the last 3 months and you need to sign a release form for production.

penguindude7289 0

yea it's kinda confusing so jy does tour life suck

perdix 29

Step 1. Go to a bar near closing time Step 2. Lower your standards Step 3. There is no step 3! Some drunk dude is ******* you in the men's room or in the parking lot and your resolution is complete! Yay!

v1kt4r 13

Maybe shez not the one who needs to lower her standards...

11 what is that suppose to even mean? don't try and talk shit to perdix, I see his comments every where on fml every day, he's legendary!!, he like the most famous FML'er

umm I think 11 was just trying to call the OP ugly.

deathstory_fml 0

umm he was saying that the OP might b ugly not insulting perdix

YDI. Shouldn't be a resolution. Don't be easy.

@penguindude7289 his/her new year's resolution last year was to lose their virginity, they still haven't so it's their 2010 new year's resolution... IE they're still a virgin...

amberceleste 0
Isabelletje 0

Just wait for the right guy! He will come when you are not looking! I have even never kissed, and beginning to become impatient, but it will come, Im sure of that!

ahaha yeah u keep telling urself that darling

k seriously, what the **** is up with pendatic's picture. no offense, it just creeps me out a bit.

KatherineAnne 7

Nah I agree with her. I'd never made out with a guy b4 I started dating my current bf of 7 months. We have done everything but sex now and if u guys say I'm probably unattractive look at my pic it's just I have self respect and I didn't find a guy good enough till now.

lovelikethis19 0

then let love happen and don't have it be you resolution to have sex, or you'll ruin the other persons life who thinks it means something.