By tommy3824 - 20/08/2009 12:45 - United States

Today, was the first day all week I got to sleep in. I woke up this beautiful morning to the sun shining in my window and hundreds of carpenter ants crawling over my sheets and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 570
You deserved it 3 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Carpenter ants? This FML is funnier in my head when I imagine they're building tiny scaffolding around you, and fixing your broken chair. oh and FYL


PaulG10 0

hmmm, sounds like my morning. but a bit different.... i woke up to carpenters that were building a deck outside my bedroom window that i wasnt aware of.... they were looking at me and laughing.... i sleep naked....

Did they call you back the next morning?

#1 are you from Texas A&M? Also, what were the ants building when you woke up? Hopefully a really cool coffee table or something, or maybe since they were in your bed they were measuring you to make some wooden clothes for you. Which I would be stoked on! Wooden clothes congrats, I'm jealous

HahaYDI 0

Why does anyone bury the first comment, you are all just jealous that you are not number 1

Carpenter ants? This FML is funnier in my head when I imagine they're building tiny scaffolding around you, and fixing your broken chair. oh and FYL

trulyinsane 0

carpenter ants basically eat wood. carpentry = woodwork. on another note, maintenance your house better might have helped. in most cases this is preventable before they get too far, but im not going to assume because that makes people look very dumb on this site.

Haha, My_FML_account, your comment made me chuckle! =D

You should fumigate periodically. It's your fault =p

Aww, at least you had buddies to cuddle with. FYL.

Were they working on your morning wood?

oh_mi_shizzle 0

lmao hahahaha good one plexico! *gives thumbs up* that would've been a worse fml, betting a bj from carpeter ants... *shudders at thought* lol oh well, hope that wasnt ur case OP... and i wont say ydi, but i dont think ur life is ****** cuz of this either, just kinda ruined ur day i guess... just call somebody to come get rid of them and everything will be over :) be calm lol


lmao, i dunno what's funnier, the comment itself or the fact that i didn't need to read the name to know right away that it was plexico...dude, you always slay me. lmao