By must be adopted - 11/02/2013 01:00 - United States - Houston

Today, I casually mentioned to my dad that it was the Chinese New Year yesterday. He accused me of insulting his intelligence by "making stupid shit up." I explained that it's real, and that we just use the Gregorian calendar, hence the different dates. He responded by grounding me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 674
You deserved it 4 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems your father was born during the year of the ass.


You have to factor in time zone differences. Plus it's still Chinese New Year and its festivities will last for fourteen more days (it's the 11th here).

Sounds like your dad in this case is a good example of the Dunnkng-Kruger effect.

Tell him it's the Year of the Snake. That'll convince him that you're not making it up.

Pandamonia88 9

Wow, there are so many FMLs like this, I don't understand how a parent feels justified punishing their child just for the sake of their own ego. Never mind, once you grow up and leave home you *never have to talk to them again* sun nien fai lok ¬_¬

Satoaoi 13

so the new standard for parents grounding there kids are because there smart. what's the world coming too

mavman79 5

Obviously you get your brains from your mum OP.

That's the kind of thing immature parents do.. My mom does the same thing when I'm right and she's wrong but wont admit it.