Sound off

By Nina - 20/05/2022 12:00

Today, before third period I went to the restroom and tried to take a sexy Snapchat video to surprise my boyfriend. My video was ruined thanks to some slob in the next stall taking the loudest most explosive dump I've ever heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 173
You deserved it 2 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, that's what bathrooms are for, NOT making sexy videos

Oh no, someone in bathroom made bathroom noises! FML indeed


Oh no, someone in bathroom made bathroom noises! FML indeed

well, that's what bathrooms are for, NOT making sexy videos

You can literally remove the audio from a Snapchat.

Why did you use "literally?" There's no figure of speech about removing audio from a video. If you had video of baby sheep and removed the sound, you could say you made "Silence of the Lambs," literally.

Or it could be the sexiest video you've ever made if that's your boyfriend's kink.

What did you expect? You're in a bathroom. People take dumps there.

Somebodies explosive dump was ruined by your sexy snapchat video

if you're still in school you're too damn young to be making those videos anyway. you're probably not even 18 yet which makes that child ****

kitten79TX 5
Vesi 29

So.. someone using a bathroom makes them a slob? Honey, you really need to worry more about grades and getting your education than what other people are doing in the bathroom or sending videos during school hours.

Taking a photo or video in a bathroom is never sexy, unless the recipient is into some weird shit. Pardon the pun.