By job hunter - 18/05/2017 12:00 - United States - New York

Today, I interviewed for my dream job. Everything was going great until the interviewer asked, "So, what's your least favorite race?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 558
You deserved it 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

"Well, I'd have to say the 100 meter freestyle. Everyone just uses the front crawl stroke, so I don't really get to shine with this hybrid breaststroke/butterfly stroke I created as a child and spent years mastering."


That's a racing series, not a race. That's like saying Obama in response to the question in its perceived original context. Idiot.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

That's strange... I've been to a NASCAR race. I had no idea I'd seen the whole series! (Though come to think of it, if you've seen one...)

I would have replied "The Indy 500" and watched their jaw hit the floor.

I would have replied "The Indy 500" and watched their jaw hit the floor.

Druu 53

"Well, I'd have to say the 100 meter freestyle. Everyone just uses the front crawl stroke, so I don't really get to shine with this hybrid breaststroke/butterfly stroke I created as a child and spent years mastering."

Attacksloth 33

That's actually pretty witty. Of course this question sets off red flags, but I've been asked "if you could be any animal in the world, what would it be and why?", so maybe this was just an off-colour (no pun intended) way of testing applicants' racial tolerance.

Taylor Caldwell 10

400metre relay cause your cousin keeps dropping the batton.

It's a trick question, to find out if you're a bigot

Rainbow road, especially the SNES version.