By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 23:18 - United States

Today, I came home to find my little sister had decided to play hopscotch under our carport. Feeling a small childish urge, I decided to hop on one leg to the front door. I tripped and fell, slicing my knee open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 720
You deserved it 21 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess that kid in us isn't as agile as he used to be. I blame excessive drinking.


Ah, shit winkles!!!! Screw you #2!! (Oh and FYL)

zomgkatie 0

i went like a whole month without loseing the game. T_T

Lolz @2! The only good thing about losing the game is that everyone else loses it too.

How do you know how long it was? Wouldn't you have to think about it in order to keep track xD

the game is that u cant think about it. everytime u think about the game, u have to announce that u lost. so ur winning if u dont think about it. get it?

JoshTheMaggot 8

u know what f u guys damn making me lose the game. god damn it ahahaha

GiRIsMakingCupca 0

I totally would have done something like this FYL wow:(

anela_fml 0

awe there's a kid in all of us just waiting to get out

I guess that kid in us isn't as agile as he used to be. I blame excessive drinking.