By Nickname - 27/08/2018 06:00

Today, I came home to find my wife and my ex-wife naked in my bed. Apparently they've been in a relationship for five months. When I told my kids, they said that they were helping to keep the secret. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 489
You deserved it 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How old are your kids? I'm a little concerned that they were well aware of the fact that your wife was having an affair and that they didn't report it to you.

you have got to wonder how people can be so cruel to each other.


you have got to wonder how people can be so cruel to each other.

How old are your kids? I'm a little concerned that they were well aware of the fact that your wife was having an affair and that they didn't report it to you.

If my mom had ever bothered with an affair, I wouldn’t have said squat. My dad is a useless POS and she deserves soooo much better.

Two women you couldn't keep satisfied and turned lesbian. *Slow clap*

Suaria 38

Women don't become lesbians because they aren't satisfied by men. Women who are lesbians have always been lesbian. It sounds like his wives are bisexual.

PineappleOfMyEye 6

Is your name Ross Geller by chance?

WeirdUS 29

If this is legit, I'd say the problem is with you. Not only are your wife and ex wife in bed your kids knew and hid it.

Wow that's a lot of bullshit sorry for ya OP time for a lawyer

Wow, that's f*cked up - I don't know how old your kids are, but I don't think they're to blame. Judging from friends' experiences with one cheating parent, that's a really shitty situation for them. If they're young, they might not even understand the significance of cheating, mom could have told them she has a secret friend over and kids don't second-guess this then. If they are old enough, that puts them in an even worse spot, because ratting out their mom destroys their home life too, not doing it is making them feel guilty for keeping you in the dark. But I understand you'd feel betrayed from all sides. Hopefully you can make a clean cut and leave both those whacko women to themselves.

Aww that's cute...I mean not for OP but for the ladies.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20