By blinkme - 28/08/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I was at a concert and the guy who was selling the drinks tripped and fell down the stairs, landing on the floor next to me and the drinks went all over. I went to make sure he was okay and helped pick up the drinks. After assuring me he was okay, he gave me a free soda. It exploded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 698
You deserved it 13 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not fml. you got a free soda. quit bitching about it.

That was awfully nice of you to help him out. Sure the soda exploded but you still get mega karma points!


my thoughts exactly fyl but atleast he was nice

imtheman920 0

I agree, he was nice to give you a free soda. However he just fell down the stairs. I think it would be pretty obvious that it would explode. Even so, you should have opened it slowly until you were sure it would not explode.

Today, I got some fizz on my shirt. FML?

vi3tv0tinh 0

i think the guy that fell down the stair should have wrote the fml

not fml. you got a free soda. quit bitching about it.

noidea_fml 3

i agree with 3 you got a free drink plus he was just trying to thank you! its not ydi.. but not fyl either

This FML is another case-in-point that FML NEEDS to add a THIRD button. Life isn't simply black and white. I'd also like a way to banish the kids that only do lame posts. OP opened a soda that just went tumbling down the steps... douche move, douche results.

That was awfully nice of you to help him out. Sure the soda exploded but you still get mega karma points!

I'm sorry but were you the one who fell down all those stairs, spilled your inventory and embarrassed the shit out of yourself? Hmmm noo. I'm gonna have to say **** HIS life.

I've been to a shit load of concerts and never has there been a vendor working the stands

Nikon at Jones Beach Theater in New York always has vendors working the stands...

a soda exploded?!?! how are you going to cope?? I hope you get through this tough, tough time.

My thought exactly. How on earth did this shit get through moderation? YDI.

I agree. This is the worst FML I've read in a longggg time.