By Divorcee - 15/07/2019 04:02

Today, I learned that my wife had been cheating on me. What's worse? My kids found out three months before I did, and told me that they like him better than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 537
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Traveling_Book 9

Cheating is always shitty. If you aren’t happy just leave. However, if your kids did say that it may be time to take a long hard look in the mirror. Either you were dealt a shitty wife and bratty/awful children or you aren’t the best spouse and father.

not necessarily, my kids like grandma and grandpa a lot better than mom or me. but the reason why is grandma and grandpa would let the kids get away with murder, while mom and I actually correct bad behavior rather than just accept it. it could be a similar situation.


Traveling_Book 9

Cheating is always shitty. If you aren’t happy just leave. However, if your kids did say that it may be time to take a long hard look in the mirror. Either you were dealt a shitty wife and bratty/awful children or you aren’t the best spouse and father.

not necessarily, my kids like grandma and grandpa a lot better than mom or me. but the reason why is grandma and grandpa would let the kids get away with murder, while mom and I actually correct bad behavior rather than just accept it. it could be a similar situation.

When my BIL was in custody court for his daughter, the judge asked the daughter who she wanted to go with. Her choices: Her father who: Expects her to go to school Makes her do chores Oversees her homework Her mother who: Is usually too passed out drunk or high to know what day it is Guess who she picked?