By Walmart Associate - 27/08/2018 03:30

Today, I was accused of being a "racist whore" at work. I'd only asked a man if he needed help finding anything, as that is part of my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 592
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Did you need help finding something N-word Jim?"

Did your accuser have pink hair and old lady glasses, by any chance?


"Did you need help finding something N-word Jim?"

What really you were doing your job (sarcastically) yup the people of Walmart don'tcha just love them 🙄😒

WeirdUS 29

Did you ask "hello sir how may I help you?" or "orale holmes what can I get ya?" One is ok the other is not.

As someone who works in a call center, I get it. I totally get it.