By notcool - 15/12/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I called my boyfriend upset because my best friend has begun stripping to pay for school. His response was, "Where and what time does she work?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 519
You deserved it 8 860

Same thing different taste

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He is concerned and wondering where he can find her... and find a show... and support her education.

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

That's messed up. Sorry to hear your boyfriend is a complete horndog. I hope your friend comes to her senses as well. Good luck


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dudeitsdanny 9

Is that a Degrassi reference I see? =O

perdix 29

Lol give the boyfriend a break, he just has an awsome sense of humor so get over it females smash up a sammich for us kthanksbye

mbii 0

LOL so apparently I wasn't the only one who was reminded of Degrassi... and honestly what other response would you expect out of a guy? you just called him to say you're [female, probably hot] friend is a stripper. do the math.

what's the problem? She's not whoring herself out, she's showing her ******* to foolish men like me to make more money than most people. it's completely legal you know, she will probably make more now than after she gets a job with the education she is currently paying for. Seriously, FML should have a "who f*cking cares" vote option.

He could be trying to drag her out publicly and get her fired but less likely

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

That's messed up. Sorry to hear your boyfriend is a complete horndog. I hope your friend comes to her senses as well. Good luck

To be fair, I'd ask the same thing really. I'm sure all guys would.

Josher47 0

I agree, even if just jokingly.

Your boyfriend was being normal. This is not a FML. Move along.

muhmm..something most guys would say or think (as a joke) (or not :D)

dudeitsdanny 9

I would ask, too, as an attempt to cheer her up, haha But, hey, she shouldn't be upset, because her friend is trying to pay for school. She should find a way to help her, rather than call her boyfriend and whine. Her boyfriend is going to take action by showing up there with a few of his buddies to help pay her bills.

Yes, two important questions that need answering.. :)

Is Asshole's the name of the club you work at, anal-o?

Omfg win! As for the op, learn to take a joke, although I feel for your friend. I mean i felt her. At the club, you know, stripping. Not cool at all. Your life doesn't suck, op, your friend's does. You should be grateful for a quick witted young buck like your bf laddie!

He is concerned and wondering where he can find her... and find a show... and support her education.

O wow Thats not cool, especially because it's your friend your boyfriend wants to see strip... Are you sure he wasn't just joking with you?

I'm sure he wasn't joking. He wanted to see some hot *******. can you blame him?

I think it is great that your bf is helping your best friend get started on her new career. I'm sure it will be very comforting for her to start out performing for some familiar and supportive faces. And laps.

he is being supportive (by means of monetary compensation) you should be happy you have a bf who is willing ot helping your best friend in a time of need. don't be such an attention *****.

I'd be glad to help her get through school...

blland 0

may I introduce you to some exotic snake oil?

Yes you may, mr. Burrito, oh you have no idea how may you can may.

eea04180 0

girl, i would have slapped him. i would have also made sure he was joking too, cuz i know my bf would say something like that to me if i told him the same story.