By Anonymous - 06/09/2009 07:25 - Japan

Today, I broke up with the girl I'd been dating for two months because she started smoking. This is a deal breaker for me. I just found out from her friend that she started smoking for the sole purpose of getting me to break it off and now plans to quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 618
You deserved it 7 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got OWNED!! Then again, clearly she's a jackass if she's willing to threaten her (and your) health like that.

I can't decide whether this is funny or sad. I'm leaning towards funny though. Go find someone better.


Don't worry, in 10 years when she's still smoking because she was already addicted you can laugh at her. She's spending thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes, and killing herself, all because she wanted to break up with you in a jack ass way.

80sFrountChick 0

It's ok Henry! I won't judge you! Haha!

Personally, I think the joke's on her. You're the lucky one in this situation. Go and find someone better who won't do something so ridiculous to get rid of you! (:

flintstone 0

Look at the bright side...........Maybe she'll die of lung cancer.

by the way this was in an episode of seinfeld and if you are an american living in japan as i presume you are since your english is too good, there is no excuse for this seinfeld is basically more american than a bald eagle shedding a single tear while eating apple pie and completing a super bowl-winning touchdown

CapnAsshole 0

You should stalk her, so she smokes even more to try to keep you away, and eventually gets cancer. That'll teach her a lesson.

colormestupid 0

i hope she gets addicted and can't stop. that would be a kick in the face for her.

thats a stupid way to make some1 break up with u... she's risking her life so u would dump her. i agree with #41

You don't risk your life by having a few cigarettes more than you do by stepping outside your house. Grow up.

DrewBoy 0

Oh wow, so cool, look at you. That nihilist attitude might seem pretty cool in your freshman philosophy class but guess what? You look like a tool to any normal person. Grow up.

oh wow, so cool, you know how to say "nihilist" but really you missed the point of what he said because it has nothing to do with nihilism its about how smoking a couple of cigarettes wont kill you in fact most of my grandparents smoked a pack a day from since they were sixteen and they lived to over eighty, so your the real tool here

I think the day when all people allowed on the interwebs know when to say you're instead of your will be a great day. A wonderful day. YOU ******* TOOL

Dude, drop YOUR copy of "Mein grammar kampf" and jerk out YOUR issues cause YOUR breaking everybodys balls