By trick or not treat - 31/10/2009 22:26 - France

Today, I bought fifteen bags of candy for the trick-or-treaters. I sat outside with a bowl of candy the whole night. Only one person came. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 377
You deserved it 7 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, so sad That sucks we did the same thing LOL more candy for you!

Why didn't you stay inside your home? But, that does suck. And it was probably cold out.


ILoveBlair 0

Why did you buy so much candy if you knew not that many people were going to come? You set yourself up for the candy didnt you.

clumsy124 0

tht is definately not an FML! u hav a shitload of candy!!!

NOT an fml. the time of the post was 3:26 pm, ppl dont usually trick-or-treat until 5. should've waited longer. if u DID and still nobody came, then dont worry, candy is ****** good

Only one guy came? Damn, get some shine on your candy ******* skills, that just won't do. smh

alexa183 2

More candy for you! Not an FML.

25shark 5

how is this an FML? this happens to me all the time, only some years I get no one

mizzzombie 0

Baby next time get up and walk the candy around people will probably love that I'll do the opposite next year and go door to door handing out candy

Maybe they had kids to trick o treat with

Uhm... How is this a fyl? I'd say being left with 15 bags of candy is a pretty good night! XD