Is that even legal?

By Monkeys aren't pets - 07/12/2020 23:04 - United States - Millersville

Today, I found out in addition to the ADHD teenager they scream at, my boyfriend's parents are planning on getting a monkey. I work at an animal shelter, so now I'm obligated to have a long conversation with them about what a crap idea that is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 882
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my_way_1213 12

was this information found on a Facebook post?

tc201002 11

I don’t see how your obligated to have that conversation with them. Unless your boyfriend asked you to then you’re not really obligated to do it


my_way_1213 12

was this information found on a Facebook post?

tc201002 11

I don’t see how your obligated to have that conversation with them. Unless your boyfriend asked you to then you’re not really obligated to do it

ViviMage 38

Yeah no, I see how cute baby monkeys in little purses are and they are taken to the park or the mall, and then the monkey contracts a disease because they were made sick by the human caregivers or their friends. Monkeys are way too fragile as pets.