By Extravirgin - 16/12/2014 12:01 - Germany - Munich

Today, I blew my load in less than a minute. I wasn't having sex or even making out. I was spooning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 712
You deserved it 8 269

Same thing different taste


tony1891 22

reminds me of the scene from American pie. atta boy jimbo!

Spooning leads to forking. Edit: Welshite , you beat me to it.

That's knife of you to give me credit. Thanks!

@devildog562 Hahaha his name makes it sound like you said: "well shit, you beat me to it" unless I pronounced your username wrong @welshite

With such a silver tongue like yours, I'm sure I'll hear from you spoon.

#14 I was attempting to use it as a synonym.

Spooning leads to forking: use condiments.

muis545 21

You probably ********** a lot, don't you?

muis545 21

You probably ********** a lot, don't you?

tony1891 22

you Probably ********** a lot, don't you? third times the charm....right?

Never go out with a loaded gun! It's dangerous for everyone.

The fact that he came fast implies that either he doesn't ********** often or he didn't do it recently.

I'd suggest vigorous beating of the salami before you guys have sex to prevent yourself from submitting another FML about how you busted when she put a condom on you.

ChristianH39 30

"vigorous beating of the salami" almost made me dribble coffee on myself laughing

lilchica22001 22

Premature coffee dribbling @ #45

Eliseopwns 22