By missca - 16/12/2014 04:35 - Australia - Salisbury

Today, I found out my Nan passed away. My boyfriend came over to comfort me, things got intimate and we ended up having sex. After he came, he chuckled to himself and said, "That one's for you, Nan". FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 835
You deserved it 9 038

missca_fml tells us more.

Hey all I'm the OP, in hindsight I should have put that my Nan recently passed away, it was a couple of days earlier, and the website insists all FMLs are started with "today". Rest assured I didn't simply find out my Nan died and proceed to have sex!

Top comments

It's kind of ironic that he was being an insensitive prick when his prick became sensitive after sex.

@19 - Connect with those you hold dear to mourn the loss of those you've become disconnected with. Sex is the ultimate symbol of unity; I imagine those in mourning would find that comforting after a devastating loss.


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I wouldn't say heartless, but a twisted heart

I know this is an inappropriate comment but you have-69 dislikes,

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It's kind of ironic that he was being an insensitive prick when his prick became sensitive after sex.

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That's a ridiculous response with our limited information we know 1. He came over after she told him her grandma died 2. They had sex 3. He then made a clearly insensitive remark about her grandma or at least a joke in extremely poor taste. I expect about a -100 response but I find it a bit disgusting that this is an acceptable way to comfort your significant other to so many of you. There were other ways to comfort her and it comes off more likely that he at least slightly took advantage of her being in a vulnerable state. I know sometimes people have sex for comfort but personally I'd never sleep with someone that was distressed or possibly crying over a relative they had JUST found out passed away

@19 - Connect with those you hold dear to mourn the loss of those you've become disconnected with. Sex is the ultimate symbol of unity; I imagine those in mourning would find that comforting after a devastating loss.

And there probably many more pople who find it disgusting. Comforting is a very personal and subjective thing an changes from human to human. Some like being distracted with sex for example. To some sex isnt that big of a deal as it seems to be for you.Some like the other to cheer them up. and some wouldnt even consider the remark as insensitive and just laught with him. I for once find it acceptable too as long it come from both sides and the other isnt pressured in having sex.

I cannot speak for every case but it's the intimacy from sex that's generally wanted in these cases not the pleasure of it which is my point, you could comfort your significant other by showing her you are there for her and care about her and are sad for her loss and pain. Going off of his response which again at best is just a poor joke that he clearly didn't think ahead to her feelings before saying it so in my mind him having sex with her wasn't to comfort her (again if he was actively thinking about how she may have been feeling about her loss he would not have said something like that that could potentially upset her) but simply to feel good himself or at best he could be simple enough to think sex would just make her feel better without understanding why or what she might actually get out of it therefor negating the actual connection they were supposed to be sharing

The FML doesnt say how the sex was initiated. It could be her that have wanted sex with him. Given the wording of the FML it seems that the sex was actually ok for her as Comfort regardless of who began. Just the sentence he said after that wasnt. which is quite understandable.

Yip. Then he ruined it by thinking of Nan.

@19 - Go get laid, then come tell me you don't feel comforted after

Yeah, people post on FML about things that made them happy, right?

That was way too many words without any semblance of formatting.

Some of us are used to tears during sex. :-)

As Chazz would say in wedding crashers " Grief is natures most powerful aphrodisiac "

This comment really made me laugh! Wedding Crashers is one of my favourite films.

Well that's a slightly strange thing so say..

tony1891 22

sorry for your loss. your boyfriend needs to be a little more considerate tho.

What a damn creep to have even thought that More importantly sorry about your grandmother

Sorry for your loss, and jeez, that's pretty rough, or maybe gentle? sorry had to.

It might've been a bit insensitive, but at least he came over and tried. I've seen one too many FMLs on here where the boyfriend would rather hang out with friends at the bar or play video games than even ATTEMPT to comfort their girlfriends. I'd be grateful if I were you. Sorry about your grandma, though.

It would be a "at least he tried" if he was sincerely trying to make her feel better and accidentally or awkwardly messed up. This sounds more like he was just insensitive and maybe considering the outcome just trying to get laid. I hesitate to cut him any slack with such a strange remark that seems like it could obviously upset his girlfriend especially if she was close with her grandmother.

So you need to be grateful now if your partner doesn't act like a dick?

17: The thing is the FML doesn't say he comforted me for a while and then asked for sex. It says that while he was comforting her things got intimate, which means she wanted it too. So I honestly think he was just trying to help. 22: All I'm saying is that it could be much worse. And personally I'd like a boyfriend who tries and fails every once in a while than one who doesn't try at all.