By raquel - 17/07/2015 16:40 - United States

Today, I babysat the Antichrist of all kids. After the 5 long hours were over, his parents came home. Instead of paying me what they agreed, they offered to let me eat some leftovers of a takeout in the fridge. I'm so afraid of confrontation that I accepted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 149
You deserved it 10 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rat the little ****** out. No one should have to suffer 5 hours just to be paid with leftovers.

lexiieeex3 32

I know it can be tough but you need to learn how to stick up for yourself OP. I've been in similar situations where the families I babysit pay me much less than they promised but leftovers? Not okay. Not okay by a long shot.


You should've taken the leftovers and dumped it on either the parents or the kids head...

crackajak 15

Unless the leftovers were lobster rolls drizzled in truffle oil and rolled in caviar, YDI. Stand up for yourself, because no one else will.

Mortoli 30

lol or pizza... can never go wrong with pizza

YDI, you can't really complain about the leftovers because you didn't have to balls to say no

Ignore these people telling you to go back over there. Don't go anywhere near the hell spawn and his satanic parents. They obviously have the ability to talk you into things and you don't want to give them another shot. Consider it a lesson learned and work on yourself so it doesn't happen again.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

YDI for not standing up for yourself. Don't go back again. Ever.

Err is it just me or would decent parents have offered food anyway while looking after the kid? I guess I've always been lucky with the kids I babysat for

cutiepie292929 18

Where did you get the job? Off a website or something. Leave them a bad reference so no one else has to put up with that. And don't go back take it as a lesson or even write up a contract that they sign saying they agree to payment. If you need the money do you have a free legal system? You could take them to mediation and see if that will make them pay it over.

cowsgowoof 9

you deserve it for not having any guts

Seriously?! Stand up for yourself. Go get your money, op. No one should work for free or leftovers!

You should really learn to stand up for yourself. Coz no one else is going to stand for you, except maybe your parents. No point being a doormat. It's one of the most important lessons in life.