By damnnn - 17/07/2015 12:40 - Australia

Today, I was standing on a step ladder to reach the batteries on top of my fridge so I could change the ones in my TV remote. My sister thought it would be funny to shake the ladder and see what would happen. I now have a broken leg and a TV remote with dead batteries in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 884
You deserved it 2 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

throw the remote at her every chance you get

"Shake" her next time she is near an open window.


throw the remote at her every chance you get

JMichael 25

He's like I don't need to absorb powers. I've got a ******* gun

But then won't she get to pick the channel?

brendejafulable 41

"Shake" her next time she is near an open window.

R.I.P batteries. :'( Who's going to tell their families?

2nd 20

So the batteries didnt even come down with you? Damn.

Unleash flying ninja kicks on her from elevated positions every chance you get, once your health improves.

Bad combination! But if you were very determined you could probably figure out a way to get new batteries into your remote.

oakcrush 16

Shake her ladder and break her leg.