By raquel - 17/07/2015 16:40 - United States

Today, I babysat the Antichrist of all kids. After the 5 long hours were over, his parents came home. Instead of paying me what they agreed, they offered to let me eat some leftovers of a takeout in the fridge. I'm so afraid of confrontation that I accepted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 149
You deserved it 10 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rat the little ****** out. No one should have to suffer 5 hours just to be paid with leftovers.

lexiieeex3 32

I know it can be tough but you need to learn how to stick up for yourself OP. I've been in similar situations where the families I babysit pay me much less than they promised but leftovers? Not okay. Not okay by a long shot.


born_hustla 26

No offense but grow a pair! No one deserves that!

Goblin182 26

The next time they call and ask you to baby sit say yes. Then show up late, tell them you're sorry, you can't babysit tonight and give them some left over take out food.

Anxiety is always hard! It is something you have to live with everyday though so even though it is hard you have to learn to control it. I find scents really help me like lavender lilac or roses.

Stop being so cowardly and ask for your damn money

You need to learn to stand up for yourself